Design of a Monitoring System

Learn about the initial design of a generic monitoring system.


Let’s sum up what we want our monitoring system to do for us:

  • Monitor critical local processes on a server for crashes.

  • Monitor any anomalies in the use of CPU/memory/disk/network bandwidth by a process on a server.

  • Monitor overall server health, such as CPU, memory, disk, network bandwidth, average load, and so on.

  • Monitor hardware component faults on a server, such as memory failures, failing or slowing disk, and so on.

  • Monitor the server’s ability to reach out-of-server critical services, such as network file systems and so on.

  • Monitor all network switches, load balancers, and any other specialized hardware inside a data center.

  • Monitor power consumption at the server, rack, and data center levels.

  • Monitor any power events on the servers, racks, and data center.

  • Monitor routing information and DNS for external clients.

  • Monitor network links and paths’ latency inside and across the data centers.

  • Monitor network status at the peering points.

  • Monitor overall service health that might span multiple data centers—for example, a CDN and its performance.

We want automated monitoring that identifies an anomaly in the system and informs the alert manager or shows the progress on a dashboard. Cloud service providers provide a health status of their services:

Building block we will use#

The design of distributed monitoring will consist of the following building block:

Blob storage: We’ll use blob storage to store our information about metrics.

Blob storage
Blob storage
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High-level design#

The high-level components of our monitoring service are the following:

  • Storage: A time-series database stores metrics data, such as the current CPU use or the number of exceptions in an application.

  • Data collector service: This fetches the relevant data from each service and saves it in the storage.

  • Querying service: This is an API that can query on the time-series database and return the relevant information.

Data collector service
Data collector ser...
Time series database
Time series da...
Querying service
Querying servi...
fetch data
fetch data
fetch data
fetch data
fetch data
fetch data
push data
push data
query data
query data
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High-level design of a monitoring system

Let’s dive deep into the components mentioned above in the next lesson.

Prerequisites of a Monitoring System
Detailed Design of a Monitoring System